Bead Dreams 2015 – finalist
Do you know the old legend? Pandora was the first human woman created by the gods. Before sending it to Earth, Zeus gave Pandora a mysterious box that she should not open under any circumstances. Driven by curiosity, Pandora opened the box and all evil contained therein escaped from it and went on Earth, Old Age, Disease, War, Famine, Madness… Pandora hurriedly closed the lid, but it was too late to prevent the evils escape to Earth. Only Hope remained at the bottom of this box. Thus man, even if it is hit by misfortune, still keeps in his heart a glimmer of hope.
Indeed, it is not a box, but an old jar. To my necklace I picked the colors and shapes that suggest that old jar surrounded by ivy. The rectangular beads patinated, somewhat coarse remind me of the Greek-mosaics. And turquoise is the symbol of hope in many cultures.
Turquoise de Chine, chrysocolle, perles de culture, perles en verre
Bead Dreams 2013 – 3rd Place – Finished Jewelry category
This necklace is an invitation to make a trip to 200 million years ago. By the beginning of the Jurassic period, the supercontinent Pangaea had begun divide into two landmasses. Many of the arid deserts were replaced by lush rainforests. The warm, humid climate allowed jungles to cover much of the landscape. The wild nature, beautiful, seductive and a little scary – so I imagine the Earth epoch of dinosaurs.
Agate, cristal Swarovski, cristal de Bohème, perles en verre
Bead Dreams 2012 – 2nd place on Finished Jewelry category
Archaeology provides evidence of widespread worship of the mother goddess, who represents the full realization of women’s creativity. This tribute to Ishtar, goddess of fertility, carnal love, war, and conflict in Akkadian mythology is worked in soutache bead embroidery. It includes natural gemstones in an earthy color palette.
Simbirtsite, citrine, pyrite, cristal Swarovski